Friday, September 14, 2012



If you've found this, you fall into one of a few categories of people.  You might be a friend of mine, and I've sent the link to you so I can have some reader stats and not feel bad about publishing a blog to absolutely no-one.  You may have stumbled upon this because you are someone who is overweight or obese and are looking for ways to lose weight or want to get into cycling.  The last possibility is that you just started playing the three word Google game and happened to type in "Big Man Biking" (hint: for some fun, type in "lovesick donkey mullet").

I'm not entirely sure what has lead to this blog, nor am I sure how long I'll keep it or continue to update it.  Perhaps I've started this as a way for me to document my path as I go forward and continue to cycle and attempt to lose weight.  Maybe I think that I'll be more likely to stick with my plans if I put my progress out there in such a way that it's public.  Who knows, maybe this might inspire someone to take a new approach to improving their life.  If that happens, then it's all worth it.

Who am I?  I'm the Big Man Biking.

I live in Toronto, Canada and I'm not your typical big man, nor am I your typical cyclist.  I'm not your typical big man because I've managed to put 3600 km down on the tarmac in the past three and a half years of cycling. I'm not a typical cyclist because I've done this all while weighing well over 300 pounds.  Hence, Big Man Biking.

I initially got into riding for a great cancer fundraiser (which I've done three times, registered for number four next year), but I now find cycling very therapeutic and try to get out whenever I can. Admittedly, I don't take advantage of every opportunity I have to go out and spin my tires for a while.  That being said, I consider myself a regular cyclist and get out at least twice a week after work and on weekends if I have them free.

So I'm a non-typical obese cyclist without a real plan for this little ditty.  Fantastico.

You might be asking why I'm writing this and what I'll be posting here.  My 'plan' (emphasis on the quote marks) is to have this as a way for me to share my story, to share resources I've found useful, to gather feedback from others out there and to serve as an information gathering point for anyone who wishes to a) lose weight, b) get into cycling for the first time or c) some combination of both.

For now, I'll sign off and thank you for reading so far.  Please feel free to bookmark this page and I'll post updates whenever I feel the inspiration or have something to share.  If you have any questions or want to suggest topics/themes for me, please email me at bigmanbiking (at) gmail (dot) com.


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